Midday Matty
Matty is one of the newest people into the radio
industry at Channel Z. He Started his career at A.I.T with the Bachelor
of Communications studies degree course. He Majored in radio, learning
all aspects of the medium, which were put into practice at the point 1476am
where he was the producer of the sunday show.
Following this, a stint at More FM Auckland, which lead to part time work on-air and promotional work.
Radio skills include, Radio writing and production, radio research and radio performance.
Now that Matty has Joined the team here at Channel Z he has no hesitations whatsoever in losing his live for the Z cause.
Matty enjoys, occasionally wrestling in Jelly (I guess with woman?) He takes very great pride in being the president of the roman sandals club of New Zealand.
Other than this Matty is quite normal, excecpt the fact he does all his on-air broadcasts completely NAKED bar those pretty little leg warmers of his!
(hmm not a pretty sight I would imagine! hey Matty do you wear roman sandals as well????)
Matty's favourite Movie is a close tie in between two rather strange movies.... one is Milo and Otis and the other stars himself.. Free Willy 3!
His favourite Kitchen utensil is a Waffle Iron (get asked that alot Matty???) And his Fav cartoon, is the Gargoles (good choice Matty!)
Matty has been currently promoted from the Afroman traffic guy to the Traffic Gimp on Channel Z's drive home show.
Thanks for the extra info Matty!